Magnesium and Diabetes

Magnesium and Diabetes

  • High intake of magnesium (200 mg/day) from vitamin supplements and/or food is associated with reducing the risk of diabetes by 50% (over the next 20 years).1
  • The results may explain in part why consuming whole grains, which are high in magnesium, is also associated with lower diabetes risk. However, large clinical trials testing the effects of magnesium on diabetes risk are needed to determine whether a causal relationship truly exists.
  • It’s plausible that magnesium could influence diabetes risk because the mineral is needed for the proper functioning of several enzymes that help the body process glucose.


1. Kim DJ, Xun P, Liu K, et al. Magnesium intake in relation to systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, and the incidence of diabetes. Diabetes Care. Dec 2010;33(12):2604-2610.

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