- Are you a man over 25 with a waist size larger than 35 inches (90cm)?
- Are you a woman over 35 with a waist larger than 31 inches (80 cm)?
- Do you suffer from recurrent chest pain, especially when you exert yourself?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with high or borderline-high blood pressure?
- Do you have high or borderline-high cholesterol or triglycerides, or low HDL?
- Have you ever had coronary stent or bypass surgery?
- Do you have diabetes, or has anyone in your family had diabetes?
- Do you or any of your relatives have a history of heart disease at a young age?

CADI (Coronary Artery Disease among Asian Indians) Research Foundation is a non-profit tax-exempt organization dedicated to reducing the ravages of heart disease around the globe, with special focus on Asian Indians - a population with the highest rate of premature coronary artery disease.
Asian Indians develop heart disease at a younger age, lower weight and lower waist girth than all other populations. At any given level of cardiovascular risk factors, Asian Indians and other South Asians have more than double the risk of dying from heart disease even when they have access to free comprehensive and high quality medical care through national health Insurance. The priorities of CADI Research Foundation include:
- Expanding the scientific knowledge base
- Raising the awareness
- Educating health care professionals and the public at large
- Promoting early detection and proper treatment
- Providing educational seminars and materials
Heart Disease has now become the most predictable, preventable and treatable of all chronic diseases. Discover how you can reduce your risks to heart disease.